Here is the comprehensive new book on the history and evolution of the Sardinian knives . Brief notes on the ancient workshops also nuragiche and supply of metals and weapons to the ancient Egyptians . Presentation by Giancarlo Baronti . By December 20, 2013 will be available in all libraries.
This book , through a detailed and extensive research on the chronology of historical events , tries to bring order to regard the study of ancient history and art metallurgical coltellaia the island of Sardinia, is often treated in an incomplete in a number of publications issued , through the fragmentary and often superficial information disseminated on the web today . The volume offers researchers and scholars a new perspective on the birth and development of the Sardinian knife through a thorough investigation on the ancient traditions of the island , the place of production , aspects related to the processing , supported by numerous examples provided by unpublished documents and a rich iconography . Knives Sardis is a nice guide for newbies in the industry, at the same time is a starting point towards new avenues of research . An overview of the detailed and varied , in which to find precise references and many new features inherent in the vast universe of the Sardinian knives and especially jackknife .