Resolza pattada in muflone RWL34 ZUDDAS
Resolza pattada in muflone RWL34 ZUDDAS
Onorato Zuddas 39 years of generation, is one of most acknowledged and respected [nozhovshchikov] of Sardinia. From the early youth begins to make knives together with the craftsmen Giovanni Masala from [Ardara] a ...nd [Barore] To [brundu] from [Pattady]. It can brag by considerable achievements in this field. Pedant [akkuratist], this craftsman enjoys exceptional success on the exhibitions, and his knives always obtained numerous rewards at the state level in [Skarperii] and on the regional level in [Guspini] ([Arresoyas]), [Sarrokhe] and so forth one of his most interesting and highly estimated works - “LOGUDORESA”.